Oral Health: The Mouth-Body Connection
Many times, pinning down the exact cause of physical health problems can be tricky, but in recent years doctors looking to diagnose heart diabetes, diabetes, and even complications from pregnancy have an unexpected ally: the neighborhood Bolingbook dentist. Many common illnesses manifest in oral health issues, from loose teeth to gum disease. Those looking to figure out exactly what is wrong with the rest of the body can benefit from investigating dental issues at the same time. Read on to learn more about oral health: the mouth-body connection.
Diabetes and the Mouth
Periodontitis, or gum disease, is strongly correlated with diabetes. Inflammation in the mouth interferes with the body’s ability to break down sugars, and the sweet stuff that collect in the mouth further exacerbate the gum disease by breeding bacteria. It’s delicious, but ultimately bad for you. Fortunately, these issues are so strongly connected that controlling just one can help control the other.
Heart Disease and the Mouth
Heart disease and gum disease also share a strong connection, though it isn’t clear if one causes the other or if they are both caused by the same things. However, there is a good deal of evidence to suggest that inflammation of the gums goes hand in hand with inflammation of blood vessels elsewhere in the body.
Pregnancy and the Mouth
The connection between periodontitis and complications of pregnancy is not clear cut. It is known that hormones released during pregnancy can make women more likely to experience inflammation of the gums. Furthermore, mouth issues can cause problems with the development of the fetus, leading to complications like low birth weight.
Osteoporosis and the Mouth
Osteoporosis is usually associated with the bones in the arms and legs. However, the same bone degeneration can also affect the bones of the jaw. Those with osteoporosis are much more likely to have oral health problems as well.