Tooth Happy Mobile App
Powerful new mobile app that gets people to see their mouth in a whole new way.
Putting oral health education into the minds and pockets of those who need it.
In order to address the staggering 80 percent of Americans with gum disease, Dr. N created Tooth Happy, an easy-to-use mobile application that puts oral health education into the hands of those who need it most. Equipped with a floss reminder, brushing timer, whitening simulator and educational videos, Tooth Happy engages and excites users about their dental care routine.
“Our mission is to educate the masses about oral health, help eradicate the disease, and protect one of the mankind’s most valuable assets - its smile.”
Break the cycle of bad oral health
Our society is stuck in a cycle of poor oral health habits and Tooth Happy was created to address the matter. Dr. N is on a mission to get oral health awareness and education into the minds and pockets of as many people as possible and he believes that an educated person is one who makes the best choices when it comes to taking care of their oral health.